
Wednesday 29 August 2018

Then who came? (true ghost story)

In the morning We got ready to go back to the office after taking a break from the market. The words in the lower gate Mother said, "Tom, Badal, K. I got down on the stairs. Advocate Nazmul Karim was hired for the first time. Generally, when someone comes, one of them opens the gate of the same ground. Nazmul Karim went to the country's house yesterday. Tomorrow is about to return. Miss Pikulu. Pekulu Nazmul Karim's son. I have a great idea with Pikulu even if I was in class Seven. Piklukake to become a nomenclature to share the technique of moving the kite. Open the tin gate. An old woman standing in the dressing room. Wearing black border white sari. The face below the veil is quite frustrated. Eye glasses in eye Till now I have been shrieked with grief, but now it is curious. The hair on the forehead also appeared. I have never seen old woman before. I said, who you want? Granny said in the voice of the house, this is not the house of Tayyab? Taiyab means, Tayebur Rahman? Yes Yes Tayebur Rahman my father. Let's come inside you. No, before you call Tayabar. What will i say I stopped. My father died last year. The old man knows the father but the father does not know that he died last year. I said, that means ... Dad is dead. died? When? The granny grows in the thoracic circle. Last year. Hey Alla, anyway ... no one told me. The old woman cried. Meanwhile, the mother stood in the porch verandah. He said, Who is mad? I do not know mother I turned back. Is not Mary? The mother cried out and said. Yes, I'm Mary. Granny says to her head. Stand up I am coming. The ground floor cement is quite high on the road. I said, you came in. Hold the hand of the old man. I was surprised. Old hands are very cold. And wet. I touched the dead fish. The mother came down. Hugged the old woman, how many years later you saw Mary We are absolutely free. He said, looking at me, mother said, Maryam is your sister's sister in love. Jagadishpur remains. Re. I see the clock. The office is late. I said, mother, I went. Mother said, okay, what you have. Come on, baby, move on. How many days later I saw. I saw that marriage once. Come down to the lane and paint a cigarette. There is a bright sunshine. It was cloudy in the morning. My office is nearby. My luck is good After HSC, after studying in Dhaka city, he got a job in a private bank in his own capital city. After my father died last year, I and my mother I have a big sister. Shapla Apar got married. In-laws Rooppur My mom does not like the blank room. Mother is watching a woman for me. After my job the mother was serious about my marriage. The bride is somehow right. Nadira This is the girl in the city. Shapla Apar Girlfriend Shikha Apra's younger sister. B in the local women's college by passing the Intermediate pass. Nadira is reading this Often comes home. Nadira is very worried about her mother With Nadira, mother is buying wedding sarees. Nadira's big uncle is a Kuwaiti. After a month, he will return to the country. Then the wedding. On the way to return from office in the evening, Maryam Fupur remembered. Walk from the office - walk to the market. Shuffle around for a while. Do not understand what i buy I bought a big rumah in the morning in the market. There are also goodies in the house. We chose dozens of orange ornaments by choice. Suddenly I remembered. The mother told to buy a betel in Kalra. I bought out the supery and came out of the market. Only then did you meet Monirul bhai. Son of Monirul Bhai Sitara Fupur. Setara Fupu my dad's cousin sister Settlers are the Fupura Tallola. There is no meeting meeting for many days. Seeing with Monirul Bhai many days later. Monirul Bhol of Business Polarity. He said, mother is very sick. I'm so sorry to hear I said, nowadays, I will go to Taltola with mother. Walking on the street with the departure of Monirul bhai. The lane is dark because load shading was going on. Setara Fuupu looked sad when she was sick Nowadays, the meeting with the bridge was reduced, but there was communication at one time. I used to adore my daughter-in-law Fupu. Kite used to buy the penny. The present came in front of the house. Open the door I said, meet Monirul bhai in the market. Monirul? How is her mother I said, the bridge is sick. The mother became troubled. He said, "Come, take me a pail on tomorrow." I said, okay, I'll take you to the pistol tomorrow. We found a nice smell of cooking in the house. I came to the kitchen. Mary Fappu sitting in front of the oven. Orange in hand

To touch the thumbs, the finger of the finger touched the touch. Hand is cold I touched the dead fish. Miriam Fupu laughs with a weird voice. Although the two eyes of the eye glasses are still lifeless, My body peaked. I was surprised to eat at night. Rui fishes with pomegranate seeds and coriander leaves. Nice cooking Mother said, your Mary Fupur cooked. Your grandfather liked Rui fish with a pearl of coriander and a lotus leaf. Oh I could not sleep at night. Frequent sleep breaks Nadira gave a miss call at around 11:30 in the night. There is so much fun love and warm love with Nadira on mobile. Now the welfare of the mobile has reached the city. Then when I got tired I fell asleep. After sleeping, I was not alone in the house. No one else has He is walking in the house in the dark. The house is not absolutely dark. The light of the moon came in the light of the window. The words are sour. I think someone is looking for something. I was very scared. My body got wet with sweat. We got up and got up Then lighted up. No, there is no one in the house. Then I went out of the light. I saw the clock before that. It's late at midnight. Windy wind in the window. And the lighting of the pair. I have a cigarette. The smell is bleak. It seems like the tobacco is filled with tobacco. I got bored and cigarette acetate. Inside and inside, I feel very tired. I do not know why. I got up from the bed and came to the window. Looking down, I was surprised. Pikulu stood in the middle of the cement courtyard. Hand spun When did they come Now it's about two o'clock in the night. Piklur does not have to stand in the yard in the night so much. I came to the balcony. Looking down, there was no one in the courtyard. Right then, the word was in the sitting room. Let's move the chair. Quickly came to the living room from the balcony. The smell of the ostrich in the living room Wonder! Right then, the word 'ghatang' is from the Shower room. When opening an old iron bedroom in the bedroom, the word 'Ghatang' is sounded. Wonder! Who opened the pot? Mother is supposed to be asleep. I went to bed again. Waiting for some time to light the lights. No, almirah closed. Large old sofa in the middle of the house. On one side of her mother killed a turtle. There is no lap. Where did Fupu go? The bathroom door closed from inside. Lighting at the bottom of the door. I heard the sound of drinking water. Oh, phupu, then in the bathroom? I came home from the house lighting. Once you peek at the window. No, there is no one in the lower yard. Only white liner is full of light. No, my mind is wrong. Next afternoon After returning from the office, I returned home. Mother was made. Did you know, Maryam Pappu? Mother said, no. From the morning Mary's body is bad. Are sleeping Stay, Sleep then I said. I was walking downstairs and my mother was walking as well. Near busstop Buststop from Apel- Orange bought the bus. The place is nearby. It will not take time to reach. Seven kilometers of bus routes. I told the bus on the bus, Maryam Fupu is a kind of relative to us? Mother said, Mary, sister in law, she is in love with her sister. Mary was supposed to be married to your mother with your father. Mary did not agree with her father's marriage. Then he insisted that Mariah's marriage to Jagadishpur. Re. So Mary Fumura has a sad past? He came in tonight? Now I can not quite understand why my father never heard of Mary Fupur. Why did the father never say Jagadishpur? Still did not deter Maryam Fupu knows how the house? Old man Alone or what? Mother said, after seeing my beer Mary looked once in her heart. Thirty years ago Miriam bounces by jealous of me Why jealous? I am surprised. My father got married in my father's blog. Re. Then the mother said, Mary, my uncle jigassed me, what are you doing in your jewelery jewelery Momtaj? I said, Badal's wife is right. I have a jewel of gold jewelery in my hands. Let's see how black was turned into black. If I had a wedding with Tai's brother, then I would have found the jewelery. I was surprised to hear that. Tallola came many days later. Five-seven years will be there. Not just the city, it is now full of fun

The distance between people has also increased. The house of Tin Seed in Taltala, Fupu, is surrounded by trees. The front of the house. Gow house on the left side Palm tree Pond In childhood, the pond is very scurrilous. Monirul brother also cultivates fish in addition to poultry business. Dense bamboo bush at the pond. The sound of the unstable wind When the bus got up and there was cloud in the sky. It may rain. Monirul bhai's wife Salma was standing in the yard. Wearing clothes. Laugh at us. Then ran back and put clothes on the verandah and greeted Mom. He said, come. Come home. Then he looked at me laughing and said, How are you brothers brother? I said, good Saying that Apple-orange gave me a punch, in the hands of Salma. The bridge is lying in a room. The body has become much smaller than before. Black face. Especially dense ink is around the eye. Head nose Monirul bhai indicated yesterday ... cancer. Mom's a lot Crying. There are many things about two Most of the old days. I sat near the head of Fumu. Phupu lapped hands on my head. The word of rain drops in tin chalks. The room was dark. Salma came with a drink and got a drink. Then lighted the house and said, calling your brother. It's coming now. Mother said in the mouth, Maryam Mu Amago is coming to the escalation. Who are you? Which Mary? Saatara phupu said weakly weak voice. Mother said, that's Mary. Badal sister's sister Who had a wedding in Jagadishpur. Saitara Phupu said in a loud voice, "Alas, alas!" Any future Mary died five years ago. died! What is the bridge? Because the mother looked at me. I am Maryam Fupu means dead? Yes Five years have passed. Salma go home also in Jagdishpur. We then went to Jagdishpur. Salamao knows in Maryam. Yes Sugar Salma shook his head. Monirul bhai came here. A lot has been wet. I greeted my mother. Then, after hearing all, Monir Bhoy also said: Miriam Fappu died five years ago. Monirul Bhai was also in Jagdishpur. He was also buried. Mother looked at me with disbelief. Whispeed and said, how many rayal banal? So who is the house in Amago? what should I say. So many people will lie? Suddenly the rain came down. Need to go home as soon as possible. I got out of favor. Monirul bhai came to the bus stand till the umbrella. The bus left the bus in Jhijerjiri rain. The bus did not talk to the mother. Both were drowned in deep thought. Mother only once said, what are they doing? Mary did not live or did not live. Who is it? I can not say anything until I go home. I said. Walking down from the bus. Then there was a sunny sunshine again. Still did not cut I touched Mary Fupu twice yesterday. It has been a very cool feeling twice. Mary Fauchu's eyesight is lifeless There was a question on the head: If Mariam Fappu is killed, who is our home? Why did you come? Mary Fupu loves Baba very much. The father loves to eat rui fish with pomegranate pulp and coriander leaves. To find the beer jewelery near the mother. Wonder! Last night I was getting a lot of noise in the house. Someone is looking for something. There are strange things happening since our home, Mary Fupu. Pikulu was standing in the yard in the middle of the yard last night. ...

The incident is happening. Pikulu was standing in the yard in the middle of the yard last night. ... how I was feeling cold and cold. I and my mother were walking along the way. From a distance, I stood in front of the house gate. I got relief from him. Pulkur wear yellow yellow and blue half pants. Hand spun The school seems to be going in the field. I came to you, Ray, you know, when Eli? A little earlier. Say sweet smile. Then he said, "Do not buy new brother-in-law from Badal Brother, Datababari Hat." I laughed my head. A little later, I'm going to the stairs. I saw Nadira on the stairs. Falling down. Nadira was very surprised to see her mother. Then Omma. The hand pressed the hand with the hand. Fearless wearing glasses became blue in fear of how afraid. Eye of unbelief in eyes Nadira said, "You! Here! Yes I am Cans What happened What I saw in the house? Who's seen? Nadira said, you saw me. You showed me the wedding sari out. Any of what Who opened the door? Nadira said, why you? He said, come mother. Badal still did not return to the office. I did not see anyone else in the house? Like the old? No, no Nadira said. We got up quickly. Empty house There is no one Where is Maryam Fupur? Wonder! Mother quickly entered the bedroom. Sarees on sofa. Random Spreads The sarees are known to me Nadira's wedding sari All the furniture in the room Rugged Open the almirah. The mother screamed and ran to Almarari. Then, leaning out, open a drawer below the almirari. Then shouted 'Haa Alla'. What happened! I am worried and worried. There is no jewelry box! Mary has gone to the grave Do not give jewelry to jewelry When I hear this, my whole body gets accustomed ...

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