
Wednesday 29 August 2018

A terrible night Ghost came to me.

After reaching college for almost a month, we did not want to spend our night in our stories! How many balls in the stomach! How is he haiI'm very excited about presenting an audit report in this regard and imitating the gesture of the advertisement models seen on TV on vacation. There is no exception to service, I'm going to keep things in the locker out of bag and keep things in the locker. At the same time, one of the creamy tubes from the seasonal bag showed us all by showing it, praising it, whether or not within a month, the famous actor Hassan Masud will be like Tom Cruise! I heard her voice crying for Michael Jackson. Eating poorly, Khamokai repeatedly died in plastic surgery.Tammy decided to buy such a cream and send it to Michelle Obama, and started flirting with her face delighted to get green card in a month. : goragori: The business intelligence is good all the time,

exporting this cream in Africa that we are soon going to be female Bill Gates when shJust about when we got around to believe that the load shedding was like a bursi.Tammy said with extreme annoyance, "That's why I'm going to America, not sending empty cream to Michelle. There is no load shedding in that country. "I immediately agreed with my head and agreed. In the cadet college, some of the Charger Nationals are in the possession of the death penalty. So, we got to sleep like a young boy like Subhod. Seasonal, but not to give up the bride, she glided in the darkness and rubbed it on her bed from the bed. After a few words, all the silence. Suddenly I heard the word. It has come from far away, as if an impersonal spirit is crying deeply.

I was shocked, unknowingly myself. Tammy already whispered and informed, there was a red brick building nearby or Torture Cell of Joynal Hazari. After listening to this our cadet entity did not let us sleep in bed. Under the seasonal press, we pressed the feet and pressed the source of the word. It sounds like coming from the corner corner of the room. As far as the duodadas are concerned, all the winds are moving in the dark, they have to keep moving in the darkness. Even in such fear, Eraatah Fazlalo and Galona, ​​and said that after a month of loadshadding, there will be no problem, then we can walk in the light of the seasonal form, the rate at which the cream is gone. Gradually we got closer to the word, standing on the door, I clearly understood that the thing is inside the room. To save the friends of that room, to break the doors or to run around, thinking of thinking of running on the seafront gate, said, "What is so scary? We are not cadet! "I was thrilled by my friends, I shouted all the fears and said, 'Ya Ali,' we opened the door and we got to open. Immediately, all the girls in the room started shouting. Just at the moment, when the electricity came in the light, the light of the fakaf in the room, I was surprised to look at the monsoon. I thought that a friend of that room was singing a song to distribute joy among the roommates, but his musical Apurba (!Due to the skill, we made the mistake of destroying the phantom. And instead of cream in the dark, Iraya shoemaker tube tubing due to the face of the monsoon, we all have permanent problems in the heart!

In the next half-hour to return to the room, the seasonal chicks did not give up! If the electrician had the ear at least seven days, then our cadet college loaded the load shedding, I could writ

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