Do not be afraid! True ghost stories!

That day was Poonima's night. At around three o'clock in the night. I was reading with deep focus. Everyone at home sleep Suddenly the rooftop sound came from the roof. In the afternoon when we play on the roof, just as the word sounds. I was quite surprised, who is playing again on the roof!
Kaku and I live in the same room. I used to call Kaku several times because of the sound. There is no name for Kakur raising. Nose sleeping After a long call, you raised a head and said, 'Who do you see?'

Edom may be tidur maybe Kaku again started calling to nose again. Meanwhile, the sound of the rooftops has reached the stage. I was surprised and noticed that I was not afraid of it. Rather, I want to see who is running on the rooftop so many night.
Mother hanging the ceiling key on our kitchen room. I took the key to the rooftop of the house. From the flats to our flats, the right side has gone upstairs. The lights are lit in each verandah. Three-storey porch terrace roof I did not feel afraid even after climbing the roof. The roof doors are seen from three floors. Closed door. Locks are seen. However, the noise on the roof ?
I opened the ceiling lock. The roof is flowing in the light of the moon. Four-storey house in front of Robin Chachus Our whole roof is seen from the house of Robin Chachus.
Head on the roof; I have not seen anyone quite well. I was quite surprised . Then who makes noise ? I saw the surface of water tiny. No There is no one But now I am quite amusing. I looked down several times to the neighboring houses and I got down.
When we came home, we drank two glasses of water. That's why I used to eat less water in the night because I got laughs repeatedly. But that day the testa was no longer tired. After the second glass water was finished, the sound of the dhupa dhupa came to sound. I got up with glace. I came to the roof to see the ceiling lock. The door closed. But who is running at the door. I was afraid of fear and opened the lock on the roof. Once again, the eyes glimpsed in the light of the moon. I saw the whole ceiling quite well. No Who is there? I feel like a fool I gave myself a calmness, maybe because of the awakening of the night, I heard the opposite noise.
To get off the roof, I was surprised to grind back. The man on the right side of the stairs is sitting on the ceiling wall of the ceiling. Fearing that my chest was coming out like a hopper. I asked no. Who! Who's there? The light of the light is clearly seen, sitting in the center of the two doors, who are sitting in the middle of the one who is sitting.
Seeing the small body, it seems to be eight to ten years old. I do not hear anything in the ear.
I did not seem to see it well.
I'm just looking. And who is screaming and shouting! Who's there?
Several times I raised my head from the hose to scream and looked at me. I was surprised to be afraid. The eight-year-old boy, who was seen in Japanese monster Sinama, lifted his face from the knee. Big eyes All faces are faded.
Sometimes the skin in which the skin is covered in water.
I shouted and who cried?
The boy did not answer, only a hand extended to me.
I'm afraid I can not say how I got down.
When I opened my eyes, I saw myself lying on the bed, my father, Kaku, and a dacoit surrounded me.
Why do we want to hear the ghost story of Baba Kaku? When my eyes came to the door with the hand of the mother's hand, I was surprised again. The boy in the roof stood by the door. My eyes are the eyes. The right hand pushed me towards me. I lost my knowledge again.
I had to stay in the hospital for a long time. But after that night, the boy was never seen in our roof again. That night, another incident happened that Robin Chachu of our adjacent house had died. Good people suddenly got scared or not.

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